Developers API

Overview Topup API is designed for developers to easily and seamlesly integrate mobile data and airtime topup functionality on any application using any software programing technology or development platform

The API allow you to programmatically interact with services such as

  • Mobile Airtime recharge

  • Mobile Data subscription

  • Transaction Status Query

  • Transaction Search

  • Balance Query
  • Our API attempts to conform to the RESTful design principles. You interact with the resources exposed through the API by accessing resource collection and element URIs using the HTTP POST.

    You will likely need access to a web developer or programmer (if you’re not one) to get the most use out of API.

    Access to API is Freely available to all customers


    In order to interact with Topup API, you must fulfil all of the following requirements;

  • Have an Active Customer account with

  • Enabled API Access on your account
  • Once you have setup an account, simply Login to Portal, navigate to Developers from the main menu to enable API access on your account and access your API credentials

    URL Format API URL is made up of the base URL, the resource URI and an API key. A complete API URL will look like this;‹API Key›/‹resource URI›


    All requests to API requires authentication. Our API Authentication is implemented as HTTP Header Authentication over TLS (HTTPS).

    To authenticate your request, you need to pass the following parameters as part of your HTTP request headers;

    Api-Token: Your account API token
    Request-Id: A unique identifier of your current request (must be unique for each request)

    Sample Authentication using CURL

           curl --request POST \
             --url '' \
             --header 'Api-Token: 33tdg37egsbxyube' \
             --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

    Request Method API accept only Form Encoded HTTP POST requests (Array). Any other request method will not be recognized by our API

    Response Format API response (success or error) is returned in JSON data. Response codes are sent via the normal HTTP Response Code,

    Sample Success Response

            "request": "check_balance",
                    "balance": "123",
                    "currency": "NGN"

    Sample Error Response

            "message":"API access not not allowed on this account"

    Test API Credentails

    The following API credentails can be used for development and test purpose only. Transactions done using these credentails are not treated as live

    Test API Key: 8yGf4Ri3UeuwaA44LX1oo0000wDc
    Test API Token: HHaBgvjx9gwE88uy66zJjhey8lfd

    Sample Code

    Below is a PHP example showing how to implement MobileVTU top-up API using cURL. Download Complete Source Code

    $API_KEY = "your mobile vtu api key";
    $API_TOKEN = "your mobile vtu api token";
    $body = array('operator'=>'9mobile','type'=>'airtime','value'=>'300','phone'=>'2348012345678');
    foreach($body as $key=>$value) { 
    	$fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&';
    rtrim($fields_string, '&');
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, count($fields));
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    $headers = array (
    	'Api-Token: '.$API_TOKEN,
    	'Request-Id: '.time(),
    	'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    $server_output = curl_exec ($ch); error_log($server_output) ;
    curl_close ($ch);
    $json_output = json_decode($server_output,true);
    if($json_output['status']=="success") {
    	//topup was successful. 
    } else {
    	//something went wrong

    We have put together a couple of sample scripts with explanation to help you get started with integrating MobileVTU API on your application.

    This sample scripts are written in PHP and cURL. Click Here to download the sample PHP code

    POST - Check Wallet Balance /check_balance

    This API allows you to check your current wallet balance.

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    currency Optional Currency to return ballance in (Default value is NGN)

    Sample Request using CURL

                       curl --request POST \
                         --url '' \
                         --header 'Api-Token: 33tdg37egsbxyube' \
                         --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                         --data 'currency=NGN'

    Sample Success Response

                        "request": "check_balance",
                                {"balance": "123",
                                "currency": "NGN"

    POST - Query Transaction Status /transaction_status

    This API allows you to check the network status of a transaction at using the transaction reference.

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    transaction_id Required The full transaction reference to query status

    Sample Request using CURL

                       curl --request POST \
                         --url '' \
                         --header 'Api-Token: 33tdg37egsbxyube' \
                         --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                         --data 'transaction_id=DJTIG85859H9H5DUYTWFB7'

    Sample Success Response

                        "request": "transaction_status",
                        "transaction_id": "DJTIG85859H9H5DUYTWFB7",
                        "transaction_status": "ORDER_COMPLETED"

    POST - Fetch Data Plan List /fetch_data_plans

    This API allows you to fetch the list of supported data plans for a specific operator using the operator ID.

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    operator Required The unique identifier for the operator. This is Case Sensitive (MTN, Airtel, 9mobile or Glo)

    Sample Request using CURL

                       curl --request POST \
                         --url '' \
                         --header 'Api-Token: 33tdg37egsbxyube' \
                         --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                         --data 'operator=MTN'

    Sample Success Response

                        "request": "fetch_data_plans",
                                {"plan": "1000",
                                "label": "1GB",
                                "operator": "MTN",
                                "validity": "30",
                                "price": "600",
                                "currency": "NGN"
                              {"plan": "2000",
                                "label": "2GB",
                                "operator": "MTN",
                                "validity": "30",
                                "price": "1100",
                                "currency": "NGN"
                              {"plan": "10000.01",
                                "label": "10GB",
                                "operator": "MTN",
                                "validity": "30",
                                "price": "2000",
                                "currency": "NGN"

    POST - Query Phone Number Operator /check_balance

    This API allows you to check the correct network operator of a phone number. a 50 kobo per look-up charge apply.

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    phone Required The phone number to fetch operator for (include country code)

    Sample Request using CURL

                       curl --request POST \
                         --url '' \
                         --header 'Api-Token: 33tdg37egsbxyube' \
                         --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                         --data 'phone=2347012345678'

    Sample Success Response

                        "request": "number_operator",
                        "operator_name":"MTN Nigeria"

    POST - Topup /topup

    This API allows you to initiate new airtime or data topup on The topup will be charged from your wallet balance

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    operator Required The unique operator identifier for the recipient number (MTN, 9mobile, Glo or Airtel)
    type Required The toup transaction type (airtime or data)
    value Required This will be the correct Data Plan ID for data topup or Airtime Amount for airtime topup. Clisk Here to see all supported data plan values
    phone Required This is the mobile phone number to topup (e.g. 08031234567 or 2348031234567)
    custom_message Optional This is any Custom SMS Message (not more than 160 characters) to be sent to the top=up recipient's number on successful top-up. This will be charged at N4 per SMS
    sms_sender_id Optional THis is the branded Alpha-numeric Sender ID (not more than 11 characters) you want to use for the message. This is required if a custom message is set

    Sample Request using CURL

                       curl --request POST \
                         --url '' \
                         --header 'Api-Token: 33tdg37egsbxyube' \
                         --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                         --data 'operator=MTN&type=airtime&value=1000&phone=08031234567'

    Sample Success Response

                        "request": "topup",
                        "transaction_id": "DJTIG85859H9H5DUYTWFB7",
                        "transaction_status": "completed"

    POST - Fetch Transaction Records/list_transactions

    This API allows you to fetch all transaction on your wallet.

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description

    Sample Request using CURL

                       curl --request POST \
                         --url '' \
                         --header 'Api-Token: 33tdg37egsbxyube' \
                         --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                         --data 'limit=0'

    Sample Success Response

                        "request": "list_transactions",
                                {"transaction_id": "TT3036HYTIFJUY82RT",
                                "description": "1GB MTN Data",
                                "datetime": "2025-02-17 00:56:42",
                                "phone": "2348031234567",
                                "operator": "MTN",
                                "status": "completed"
                              {"transaction_id": "2GH6855RE996W000TR",
                                "description": "2000 Glo Airtime",
                                "datetime": "2025-02-17 00:56:42",
                                "phone": "2345098765432",
                                "operator": "Glo",
                                "status": "failed"
                                 Web Portal

    Start Using API

    Create a Free account with us now and enjoy access to all our top-up e-Wallet and API

    Register now Already Have an Account

    Sign-Up offers mobile airtime and data top-up packages at wholesale price.

    Contact us

    • Ynet Technology Ltd
      No. 22 Koforidua Street
      Wuse Zone 2, Abuja. Nigeria.
    • +234-201-887-0200
    • 8:30am - 5:30pm (Work days)
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